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3D Printed Planter Vase

3D Printed Planter

8 Inch - 8x8 with 7 inch opening


3D printed vase the perfect size for Dried Floral Arrangements. Although, we have planted directly into these and they do have drainage holes.


Their planters are 3D printed with PLA - a type of thermoplastic polymer derived from Upcycled materials like Corn, Beets, and Wheat Grass. PLA is 100% biodegradable, recyclable and compostable!


PLA Is very strong and sturdy. Sudden bumps or falls will not harm these planters as they are designe to withstand unexpected life happenings. 


Their goal is to make sure every planter has minimal layer lines and surface imperfections. They only ship planters they would be proud to plant in.

3D Printed Planter Vase


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